Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction
This policy outlines the IT industry policies and terms and conditions for the company, Pure Tech Codex Pvt. Ltd. These policies and terms and conditions govern the use of IT resources, systems, and services within the organization, including hardware, software, networks, and data. All employees, contractors, and authorized users are required to adhere to these policies and terms and conditions.

2. Acceptable Use of IT Resources
2.1. General Usage Guidelines
– Users must utilize IT resources responsibly, efficiently, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
– Unauthorized use, access, or distribution of sensitive or confidential information is strictly prohibited.
– Users must not engage in any activity that may compromise the security, integrity, or availability of IT resources.
2.2. Internet and Email Usage
– Users must use the internet and email services for work-related purposes and follow guidelines outlined in the separate Internet and Email Usage Policy.
– Users must not visit or download content from unauthorized or inappropriate websites.
2.3. Software Usage
– Users must only install authorized software on their assigned devices.
– Unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of copyrighted software is prohibited.
2.4. Data Management
– Users must handle data in accordance with the Data Protection Policy and applicable data protection laws.
– Unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure of data is strictly prohibited.
– Users must regularly backup their data to prevent data loss.

3. Security and Access Control
3.1. Password Management
– Users must choose strong, unique passwords and keep them confidential.
– Users must not share their passwords with others or use passwords belonging to other individuals.
– Regular password changes may be required.
3.2. User Access Control
– User access to IT resources will be granted based on the principle of least privilege.
– Users must not attempt to access or modify IT resources beyond their authorized access level.
3.3. Physical Security
– Users must follow physical security measures to protect IT equipment, including locking devices when not in use and reporting any suspicious activities or incidents.

4. Incident Reporting and Management
– Users must promptly report any suspected security incidents, unauthorized access, or breaches to the IT department or designated incident response team.
– All reported incidents will be investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken to address and mitigate the impact of incidents.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
– Users must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards related to IT usage, including but not limited to data protection, intellectual property, and export controls.

6. Monitoring and Enforcement
– The company reserves the right to monitor, audit, and review IT resources, systems, and services to ensure compliance with these policies and terms and conditions.
– Non-compliance with these policies may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment or contractual agreements.

7. Modifications to Policies and Terms and Conditions
– The company reserves the right to modify or update these policies and terms and conditions as deemed necessary. Users will be notified of any changes, and their continued use of IT resources will indicate acceptance of the updated policies.
By using the IT resources, systems, and services provided by Pure Tech Codex Pvt. Ltd, users agree to comply with these policies and terms and conditions. Failure to adhere to these policies may result in disciplinary actions and other legal consequences as determined by the company.
Please note that this is a general template for IT industry policies and terms and conditions. It is recommended to consult legal and compliance professionals to tailor the policies to the specific needs and requirements of your organization.

8. Intellectual Property Rights
– Users must respect and uphold intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents.
– Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited, unless permitted by law or with proper authorization.

9. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
– Users must maintain the confidentiality of sensitive and proprietary information they have access to as part of their work.
– Unauthorized disclosure or sharing of confidential information, both within and outside the organization, is strictly prohibited.
– Users must sign and adhere to separate Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) when handling confidential information.

10. Third-Party Services and Vendors
– When using third-party services or vendors, users must comply with the terms and conditions set by the providers.
– Users must ensure that third-party services or vendors comply with applicable security and privacy requirements before engaging with them.

11. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
– The use of personal devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets) for work purposes may be allowed under the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy.
– Users must adhere to the BYOD Policy and related security measures to protect company data and ensure compliance with these policies.

12. Training and Awareness
– The company will provide training and awareness programs to educate users about these policies, IT security best practices, and emerging threats.
– Users are responsible for actively participating in these programs and staying updated on relevant policies and procedures.

13. Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability
– The company provides IT resources, systems, and services on an “as-is” basis without any warranties, expressed or implied.
– The company shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or disruptions caused by the use of IT resources, systems, or services, including but not limited to data breaches, system failures, or unauthorized access.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
– These policies and terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where the company is registered or operates.
– Any disputes arising from these policies shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the relevant jurisdiction.

15. Severability
– If any provision of these policies and terms and conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

16. Contact Information
– Users can contact the IT department or designated representatives for any questions, concerns, or clarifications related to these policies and terms and conditions.

This policy, including the terms and conditions, sets forth the guidelines and expectations for IT usage within Pure Tech Codex Pvt. Ltd. Users are required to review, understand, and comply with these policies and terms and conditions. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary actions, legal consequences, and termination of access to IT resources, systems, and services.

Note: It is important to review and customize this policy to align with your organization’s specific requirements, applicable laws, and industry regulations. Consult legal and compliance professionals to ensure accuracy and suitability for your organization.

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