What are some exciting new features in C# 10?

What are some exciting new features in C# 10?

What are some exciting new features in C# 10?

C# has been around for quite some time. Specifically, in January 2002, a new version of this widely used programming language was released. The release of .NET 6.0 and C# 10 provided a great opportunity to explore some of the most exciting new language features!

C# is inevitable. With 500,000 active users, Microsoft’s legendary core coding language is in great demand these days and is one of the most widely used languages ​​for desktop and game developers. With the latest version of C# 10 on the horizon, professionals and developers need to brush up on their C# skills and C# web development services by knowing some of the most important current innovations.

Using Global

This is a new feature that greatly reduces the amount of code you have to write. As you may know, every C# program starts with a list of “using” statements required for implementation. Moreover, this can happen repeatedly, especially when dealing with ASP.NET. Much of this code is reworked and acts as “noise” to the programmer.

Another new C# feature in C# 10 is actually the global keyword.

If you want to use it globally, you can set the global usage for the entire project. In practice, it’s better to create a separate file (such as using.cs) containing such requests. This means that the rest of the project’s files don’t have to contain all such usages, so it can be streamlined. C# developers call this “vertical (space) waste”.

Struct Improvements Types

Major improvements to struct types are in C# 10. A struct type can declare a parameterless instance function Object() { [native code] } and use it to initialize instance fields or properties. The left-hand operand of the expression can be of any structure type or possibly of unidentified (reference) type.

Record structure

Record structure and read-only record structure declarations could be used to declare value type records. Record class declarations can now indicate that such records are actually reference types.

File Namespaces

C#’s global keyword eliminates vertical waste, and file namespaces eliminates horizontal waste. Basically, this feature tries to alleviate feeding problems. This is a cosmetic tweak that should help make your code look nicer. This function can now be used to declare namespaces at the file level.

Strings with constant interpolation

Objects can be inserted directly into strings without leaving boundaries, but string interpolation is very nice. Let’s start by declaring two variables. Then do the interpolation. C# 10 allowed you to declare such strings as constants, because you don’t change their value.

Record types can seal toString

As of the new C# 10 version, you can use the sealed modifier when overriding tostring within a record type. If the ToString method is sealed, the compiler won’t generate her ToString method for almost all mapped record types. Sealed ToString ensures that all source record types are used in ToString methods defined on such shared source record types.

Improved #line Pragma

The #line pragma has a new form in the latest C# version 10. You probably won’t use the new layout, but you will notice the effect. For domain-specific languages ​​(DSLs) like Razor, this improvement allows for finer-grained output. The Razor engine uses these improvements to simplify your troubleshooting experience. You can see that the debugger can highlight his Razor source better.


self-implemented properties in field

is not a new feature. When the program is compiled, the compiler creates private, anonymous fields that can only be accessed via property get and set attributes. The init accessor is one of the fascinating aspects of the current version of C#. Immutable objects are more versatile with accessors like this, since the members can be changed by the caller when the object is created. A new keyword in the C# programming language is a field introduced in the latest release.

In general, with current C# versions 10 and higher, you don’t need to add new fields. The init accessor can also use this keyword.

Checking for Null Parameters

One of the worst bugs you can encounter in your code is the null reference exception. Avoiding this kind of error requires good application architecture and multiple functional parameter checks. This new feature allows you to avoid this problem and improve the readability and robustness of your code. Newer versions of C# focus on making this problem easier. Put two exclamation points (called “bang bang”) right after the parameter name.

This code automatically checks if newObject is null. If the newObject value is null, an ArgumentNullException is immediately thrown.

Extended Properties Pattern and Required Properties

A new feature, the Extended Properties Pattern, is especially useful in nested property situations. Weren’t constructors used more explicitly in the past? Heavy constructors are rarely created these days. Instead, companies use lightweight constructors where property values ​​are immediately specified. The new C# current version 10 requires a new property keyword. This allows users to request properties when defining a class.

Attempting to create an object without specifying the required properties will result in a compile-time error.

Allow the AsyncMethodBuilder attribute to be applied to methods

As of the current new C# version 10 and above, instead of defining a method builder type for every method that returns a specific Task-like type, you can use your own async A single method for this in the method builder. Using a custom async method builder allows for advanced performance tuning instances where a custom builder definitely helps.


In this article, you learned about some new C# features introduced in newer versions of C#. Some of these seem to be significant improvements, and they seem to have an impact on how we approach and build C# projects.

Do you want to leverage new C# features in your project?

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